ABC’s: The Desperate Housewives and Wigs!

The popular television series Desperate Housewives has a main character, Lynette Scavo(played by Felicity Huffman) who is a strong business woman, with a great husband and a crazy family. Towards the end of Season 3 and through Season four Lynette fights cancer. She has to have chemotherapy and as a result looses her hair. This main stream television show dedicates a number of episodes to Lynette Scavo’s fight against cancer. They present both her devastation along with a glorious fight. She battles the embarrassment of loosing her hair like a champ, by revealing her bald head at an out door function! Felicity Huffman does a sensitive and moving portrayal of a woman dealing with cancer. The black comedy sheds light on how one woman handles her family, friends and her own struggle.

In this funny clip she brings her damaged wig to be repaired while confiding in her friend about how her cancer has affected her marriage and love life.

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One Response to ABC’s: The Desperate Housewives and Wigs!

  1. G says:

    My girlfriend actually got me interested in lace wigs. She use to sometimes get weaves and extensions which made her look great. But with the lace wigs she looks like a totally different person. Which kept things interesting it you know what I mean. I like looking at the pics and Youtube vids of girls modeling lace wigs. I am all for it